Buzzards are not the prettiest bird God created, and most times under appreciated none the less, but they are designed to do a very important job in our ecosystem.
Here at the farm they have actually alerted us to a preditor problem, because if we spot them in the pasture we know they are probably munching on a dead egg chicken. This means something else had to killed it and there may be others dead as well (or will be) if we don't stop it.
Buzzard 101 (you came here to learn something right?!?!)
* Buzzards are really called Turkey Vultures--some call them turkey buzzards--- or some just call them buzzards....which is what everyone I know calls them.
* They range from southern Canada to the bottom tip of South America but only live in our part of the country from spring to fall. They fly back south for the winter.
* They have special legal protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.
* They roost in large community groups.
* They lack any vocal organs so their vocalizations are grunts and low hisses.
* Their diet consists of meat with everything being dead (which they never kill themselves). They eat those carcasses that are freshly killed but avoid those that have reached the point of putrefaction.
* It finds it's meals with it's keen vision and great sense of smell. Foraging by smell is an ability uncommon to other birds. It flies low to the ground to pick up a scent of ethyl mercaptan, a gas produced by the beginnings of decay in dead things. This heightened ability to detect odors even allows it to search for food that is below the forest canopy.
*Breeding season starts in March, peaks in April and May and continues into June.
*Courtship rituals involve several individuals gathering in a circle, where they perform hopping movements around the perimeter of the circle with wings partially spread.
*Buzzards make their nesting sites in protected locations such as cliffs, caves, rock crevice, burrows inside a hollow tree or in a thicket.
This is the hollow tree that they are in. We wouldn't of known they were in there if the parent won't of flown out when we drove by. It took some effort for it to get out of that hole too.

*The nest has little or no construction and eggs are laid on a bare surface.
Well no wonder I've never seen a buzzard nest--they don't really make one. It took me some effort to get a pic of the inside of this nest as I was standing on my tippy toes just to peak in. The nest was a good foot down from the opening in the top. They picked a good spot.

*Both help in feeding the young by regurgitation.
The eggs were about the size of an x-large chicken egg. For an ugly bird they actually have pretty eggs.

Looks like our buzzards are following typical buzzard protical. Check back for buzzard baby updates.
While I was out in the woods, there were some wild flowers blooming:

1 comment:
Great information about the buzzards. Awesome find and pictures of the nest. I look forward to pictures of the chicks.
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