First-- John and I had our 25th anniversary trip scheduled for Oct.
Second--Nathan had become engaged to Jessica Hilliker at Christmas time 2008 and was going to get married in 2010 but they decided in the spring to change the wedding to Sept 2009.....our schedules now became more busy in many ways.
I don't have a lot of photos yet of the wedding to share as some of mine are still on the roll of film waiting to finish and be developed....yes I used roll film....the kids were taking the digital camera on their honeymoon.

The reception was at the fairgrounds and the kids took their honeymoon in Florida...continuing the tropical/palm tree theme.
They still live in Wellington now but with Nathan married it has caused us to adjust what we do here for farm issues as he will not be here for the day-to-day operations. We are still adjusting to that in what we want to do and not do and also trying to figure out how this will all work in the long run.
Our trip was to go to Santa Barbara--the American Rivera . The reason for here was it had a Mediterranean feel to it but also it boasted of 92% blue sky days with the average temps being in the high 60' and low 70's. As it turned out, a storm moved in from the coast and it rained while we were there and the temps were cooler than normal. The last time it had rained there was about a year ago. Irrigation is the only thing that keeps everything alive. If you did see a green patch out in the farm land, it was probably hay and it HAD to be irrigated. We drove around the country side and saw no grass-fed beef anywhere..... the grass everywhere was brown.
We stopped at their year-round farmer's market and that was interesting seeing things you would never see avacodos, oranges, lemons, several kinds of nuts...and yes they had California strawberries. We bought some and they didn't taste any better than the stuff you get in the stores around here. I felt sorry for them as they might never know what a real strawberry is suppose to taste like.

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